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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-35383

Excerpt Macro Include does not update content


      Lets say I set a excerpt macro in a page-A. And an excerpt macro in another page-B. So far so good.

      Now I decide that that excerpt was incorrect, so I delete the excerpt macro in page-A and create a new exerpt macro in that same page but with other content. I could also not delete the original exerpt macro but simply remove its contents and then move the excerpt macro to another area of my page A in order to put inside the excerpt macro another content. The result in both cases is the same:

      -in page-B I don´t see the changes reflected!!!!

      So I delete the excerpt macro and the exerpt include and save page A and B. Now I recreate everything again AND page-B is STILL showing the original excerpt macro I first place in page-A.

      This is ridiculous. How come nobody ever checked that if you update the contents then the exerpt insert will also reflect those changes? The excerpt macro is basically working as a screen-shot. Or worse.

      I have Confluence 5.6.3 used in windows XP-SP2 with Firefox 33.0

            shaffenden Steve Haffenden (Inactive)
            0b61dbda5f5b jorge tester
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            2 Start watching this issue
