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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-35200

Shortcut Links URLs are escaped improperly


      It appears Shortcut URLs are being escaped improperly when certain characters appear either in the Shortcut Link definition or when a user using the shortcut link enters a character that requires encoding.

      When you have a Shortcut URL like so:

      Shortcut Link Definition Output Desired Result

      (note the two ?s in the URL are intentional)


      The entire query string was encoded (wrong).


      Where only the '?' and '=' after the first '=' are escaped.


      Again the entire query string was encoded (wrong).


      Where only the input is escaped, my var1= should not be escaped.

      It appears that if anywhere in the query string there appears a character that Confluence thinks it needs to encode, its encoding the entire query string, which is encoding other perfectly valid characters.

      I'd like to see this get cleaned up so that it properly encodes the right parts, or better yet, have Confluence not attempt to URL Encode anything in my Shortcut URL definition and trust the author (admin) knows what they're doing. Obviously parameters/term passed into the shortcut link should be encoded for security purposes but what I define in the Shortcut Link URL should remain intact and not encoded.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            eee3c10257fb David Hergert (PAYX)
            14 Vote for this issue
            16 Start watching this issue
