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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-34870

The page move UI should provide feedback when the move is slow and multiple concurrent moves of the same page should be prevented


      A spinner and disabling of the button should be the bare minimum here to ensure the user knows that the move is in progress and cannot accidentally instigate the same page move again (which can lead to CONF-35040 - database deadlock).

      For safety it should be enforced for an instance that while a page is currently being moved no other user (including users on another node) should be able to instigate a move of the same page.

      Note that the root problem can probably be considered the fact that the page move operation is so slow (CONF-35396).

              mfedoryshyn Maksym Fedoryshyh
              psemeniuk Petro Semeniuk (Inactive)
              23 Vote for this issue
              30 Start watching this issue
