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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-34423

Deleting dot points can cause IE10 to crash


      Hi guys.
      We have found that In IE10, deleting dot points across multiple tab levels can cause the browser to crash.

      Given the attached example, at least 3 behaviours can be demonstrated by making the following selections(including all text on the line) and then pressing delete:

      • Dot Point 5.1 to 5.4, this will remove the items. Leaving an empty dot point at the same tab level.
      • Dot Point 5.1 to 6, this will NOT remove the items and the cursor will move to the start of the Dot Point 6.1 text.
      • Dot Point 5.1 to 6.1 (or even 6.2), the items will remain highlighted and the browser will "crash"
      • Dot Points 5.1 to 7, this will NOT remove the items and the cursor will move to the start of the Dot Point 7.1 text

      I have attached a video of the above scenarios which was recorded on 5.1 but has been replicated on 5.5.3 using the SDK.


        1. Dot-Points.jpg
          26 kB
          Mark Szymanski
        2. IE10_Dot_Points_Crash.mp4
          2.05 MB
          Mark Szymanski

            Unassigned Unassigned
            12b3d1cd43e6 Mark Szymanski
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