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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-32353

Page properties report automatic sorting incompatible with values generated from user macros


      I have page properties that are generated by user macros (e.g., key: creator, value:

      {content_creator}, whereas {content_creator}

      is a user macro specified by our admins. The user macro looks like this:

              <ri:user ri:userkey="$content.getCreator().getKey()"/>

      Note that this is only an example macro, I have more user macros that generate different content stored in values of the the page properties macro. Note also that all keys in the page properties macro are lowercase to avoid the bug CONF-32257.

      In the page properties report macro, sorting by a predefined column does not work, the pages are sorted by last modified date as specified in the default behaviour. However, manual sorting by clicking on the respective column after the table has been generated works as expected.

      I did not find any workaround to enable automatic sorting in the report with values generated by user macros.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            andreas.baak Andreas Baak
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            9 Start watching this issue
