Hello John,
Thanks for asking! 
The immediate use case we would implement would be to add a form in a product's 'home page' where our non-dev team can report an issue. Most of the submitted issues we'd have in this case would be 'bugs'.
A product's 'home page' would also have general product information, links to documents for devs, demo information, widgets with current sprint information, open issues, etc etc.
There are numerous reasons we think it may be easier for many of our employees to submit a bug through a form on a confluence page versus Jira's 'create an issue' link, but some of the top reasons are accessibility (not the WAI kind, just in general) and having all product information in a single place including the ability to raise a bug.
Additionally, the 'issue collector' forms are perfect for these types of issues, allowing less technically savvy employees to simply report an issue without having to deal with a huge form.
In our limited time with Jira + Confluence we're finding that Jira is perfectly suited to our developers (well, most of them anyway), but for our designers, frontenders, project managers, and others, Confluence is a much nicer space.
If we can accommodate our team by allowing them to work in the space they are most comfortable, we feel our adoption success will be higher.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you wish to chat more about our desired usage case.
Thanks for the feedback, I think this is really incorporated by CONF-26038
I've marked this.