If you move a page with children into a new space, all of the links in the children break because they retain an absolute reference to the old space key.
- Create a Parent Page.
- Create a Child Page.
- Create a link on the Child Page to the Parent Page (using [ shortcut and autocomplete).
- Create a link on the Parent Page to the Child Page.
- Move the Parent Page to a new space.
At this point, the link from Parent to Child works, but Child to Parent breaks. I tested with all sorts of nested setups, and for all cases, any page under Parent Page end up with broken links. This includes the link from Child Page to it's child, Child Page 2. Only the top Parent kept its relative links after the move. The rest became absolute and pointed to the wrong space.
- is duplicated by
CONFSERVER-31546 Error moving a page with many subpages and links
- Closed
CONFSERVER-33166 Moving page tree to a new space breaks some links within the tree
- Closed
- is related to
CONFSERVER-34649 Page move fails because of a deleted page
- Closed
CONFSERVER-34160 Moving big page hierarchies between spaces ends up with an error
- Gathering Impact
CONFSERVER-35137 Modifying location of a page may break links to pages in the content
- Gathering Impact
CONFSERVER-38537 Page move fails on Pug
- Closed
- relates to
CONFSERVER-26132 Relative internal links wrongly become absolute when the linked page is renamed or moved to the same space
- Closed
CONFSERVER-54823 Image attachments are displayed as Unknown Attachment after moving page tree to other space
- Closed
- mentioned in
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I still have the same issue. I created a ticket and lets you know when I have a response.