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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-27834

OS_PROPERTYENTRY User Property Settings Lost after Upgrade to Confluence 3.5 with JIRA User Management



      After upgrading to Confluence 3.5 or higher, where the user property migration (e.g. com.atlassian.confluence.user.migration.AtlassianUserDataMigrator#migrateUserProperties or com.atlassian.user.util.migration.OSUCrowdEntityMigrator#migratePropertySet) won't happen/called during the upgrade which is expected for the following scnearios:

      .....user settings (confluence.user.*) in OS_PROPERTYENTRY table will be lost such as:

      • Profile picture
      • Default setting of editor (wikimarkup/RTE)
      • User site home page
      • Login details
      • etc.
      Possible Cause

      The upgrade process does not migrate the respective entities in OS_PROPERTYENTRY table. They are no more taken into account due to different structure - previously the entity_name is OSUser_user (and entity_id set to JIRA's userbase.id) and now is CWD_username (entity_id set to 0).

      • Mismapped OS_PROPERTYENTRY entries of JIRA users
        | entity_name   | entity_id | entity_key                                  | key_type | boolean_val | double_val | string_val                          | text_val | long_val | int_val | date_val            |
        | OSUser_user   |     10000 | confluence.user.last.login.date             |        7 |             |          0 | NULL                                |          |        0 |       0 | 2011-04-12 03:45:37 |
        | OSUser_user   |     10000 | confluence.user.previous.login.date         |        7 |             |          0 | NULL                                |          |        0 |       0 | 2011-04-12 03:42:12 |
        | OSUser_user   |     10000 | confluence.user.profile.picture             |        5 |             |          0 | /images/icons/profilepics/dude1.gif |          |        0 |       0 | NULL                |
        | OSUser_user   |     10010 | confluence.user.last.login.date             |        7 |             |          0 | NULL                                |          |        0 |       0 | 2011-04-12 03:42:22 |
        | OSUser_user   |     10010 | confluence.user.previous.login.date         |        7 |             |          0 | NULL                                |          |        0 |       0 | 2011-03-18 21:26:59 |
        | OSUser_user   |     10010 | confluence.user.profile.picture             |        5 |             |          0 | stylesheets.jpg                     |          |        0 |       0 | NULL                |
        | OSUser_user   |     10011 | confluence.user.last.login.date             |        7 |             |          0 | NULL                                |          |        0 |       0 | 2011-03-18 21:27:54 |
        | OSUser_user   |     10011 | confluence.user.previous.login.date         |        7 |             |          0 | NULL                                |          |        0 |       0 | 2011-03-17 21:36:41 |
        | OSUser_user   |     10011 | confluence.user.profile.picture             |        5 |             |          0 | jbb-95295-pp-ochenklogo.jpg         |          |        0 |       0 | NULL                |
      • New structure:
        | entity_name   | entity_id | entity_key                                  | key_type | boolean_val | double_val | string_val                              | text_val | long_val | int_val | date_val            |
        | CWD_adminconf |         0 | confluence.user.keyboard.shortcuts.disabled |        1 |             |          0 | NULL                                    |          |        0 |       0 | NULL                |
        | CWD_adminconf |         0 | confluence.user.last.login.date             |        7 |             |          0 | NULL                                    |          |        0 |       0 | 2011-04-12 04:03:42 |
        | CWD_adminconf |         0 | confluence.user.previous.login.date         |        7 |             |          0 | NULL                                    |          |        0 |       0 | 2011-04-12 04:00:38 |
        | CWD_adminconf |         0 | confluence.user.profile.picture             |        5 |             |          0 | /images/icons/profilepics/Avatar-15.png |          |        0 |       0 | NULL                |
        | CWD_adminconf |         0 | confluence.user.site.homepage               |        5 |             |          0 | ds                                      |          |        0 |       0 | NULL                |
        | CWD_adminconf |         0 | confluence.user.time.zone                   |        5 |             |          0 | Asia/Kuala_Lumpur                       |          |        0 |       0 | NULL                |
        | CWD_adminconf |         0 | confluence.user.whats.new.dont.show.version |        5 |             |          0 | 3.5                                     |          |        0 |       0 | NULL                |

              jhoarau Julien Michel Hoarau (Inactive)
              jhoarau Julien Michel Hoarau (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
