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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-26424

Quick search shortcut key (forward slash) does not work as expected on international keyboards


      When using an international keyboard layout, e.g. Icelandic as me, the quick search shortcut doesn't work as expected in Confluence.

      The shortcut for accessing the quick search is /. This works as expected when I use a US keyboard but when I use Serbian or Icelandic for example this does not work unless I hit / on the numpad. If I hit Shift + 7 (this is / on an Icelandic layout) then the shortcut help is opened. Not what I expected.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Open up Confluence
      2. Set your keyboard layout to Icelandic
      3. Hit Shift + 7
      4. *** Shortcut help opened up. Expected focus to go to quick search ***

      It should work the same, no matter what layout is configured.

      (The shortcut works in JIRA v4.3.2#616-r148546.)

            Unassigned Unassigned
            506a988a8f00 Ólafur Guðmundsson
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