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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-23268

Chrome 14 and above can't displayed attached .swf file on a page


      Chrome 14 can't displayed attached .swf file on a page

      1. Finding

      After attaching .swf file to a page. Confluence couldn't show the attached .swf file using Multimedia macro. Instead of displaying, it will be returned as Missing Plug-In. It showed as below.

      2. Cause

      The macro generates different mime type when it is displayed as html on Chrome 14. Instead of generated as type="application/x-shockwave-flash" it was generated as type="application/x-shockwave-flash2-preview" that cause it couldn't be displayed on Chrome 14.

      3. Workaround

      A. Remove the type particular line from mime.types file

      1. Stop Confluence
      2. Navigate to <confluence_dir>/confluence_WEB-INF/classes
      3. Make a backup of mime.types file
      4. Change the following line
        image/vnd.rn-realflash rf swf

        to this line

        image/vnd.rn-realflash rf 
      5. Remove the following line from the mime.types
        application/x-shockwave-flash2-preview rf swf
      6. Restart Confluence

      B. Embed the file using html macro
      Enable {{


      }} macro, and insert macro in a page

      <embed src="<attachment_path>/swf_file.swf">

              pcamilleri Peter Camilleri [Atlassian]
              rjmasikome RianA
              14 Vote for this issue
              11 Start watching this issue
