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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-23066

Internal page links (with custom link aliases) on a page moved to a new space, get the space key of the originating space prefixed to their actual alias text.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 4.0
    • 3.5
    • None

      Internal page links (with custom link aliases) on a page moved to a new space, get the space key of the originating space prefixed to their actual alias text.

      What does that mean?

      If you have a page containing an internal anchor link (based on the format [see below|#sectionbelow]), which exists in a space called 'ORIGINAL' and you then move that page to another space called 'NEWSPACE', the anchor link changes to [ORIGINAL:see below|#sectionbelow] after the page move.

      In other words, the original space's space key gets prefixed to the alias text, when there should be no space key being prefixed at all, so for example, you'll get the following text being rendered after moving a page:

      ... For more information, ORIGINAL:see below.

      This looks horrible when several such links have been used on a page that gets moved to another space.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ggaskell Giles Gaskell [Atlassian]
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