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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-22979

Migrating to a cluster with existing data does not add cluster attributes to the confluence.cfg.xml


      If you follow the instructions from this migrations guide to turn your non-clustered instance into a clustered instance, several attributes are not added into the confluence.cfg.xml that cause some erratic behavior. The issue I encountered was in the Confluence Admin >> Cluster Configuration page, the nodes can see each other and you can see the proper node count, but the area under Active Nodes is blank. Even if only one node is active, it should still display it's info in that area.

      The attributes that are missing and will appear in the confluence.cfg.xml if you did a vanilla cluster install are:

          <property name="confluence.cluster">false</property>
          <property name="confluence.cluster.address">225.xx.xx.xx</property>
          <property name="confluence.cluster.interface">en1</property>
          <property name="confluence.cluster.name">Bane</property>
          <property name="confluence.cluster.ttl">1</property>

            Unassigned Unassigned
            alaskowski Adam Laskowski (Inactive)
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