Resolution: Unresolved
We collect Confluence feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.
NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.
The new Share feature is far easier and attractive than the older Mail Page feature. However, it only allows you to send a link to a page or blog post, vs sending the contents of the page.
We should enhance the Share feature by adding a simple check box that would allow the full contents of the page to be sent (see screenshot).
- is duplicated by
CONFSERVER-24793 E-mail pages
- Closed
- relates to
CONFCLOUD-22869 when using the Share feature, add ability to send page contents
- Gathering Interest
- Wiki Page
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[CONFSERVER-22869] when using the Share feature, add ability to send page contents
You guys should either close these tickets or do something about them. Gathering interest over the last 12 years serves no purpose!
It looks like a good idea that can help create release notes, for example.
And if it is possible, I would like to have a separate macro for sending content from a page to Slack.
Confluence is SOOOOO close to being exactly what we need. The lack of ability to one-click email a page is a deal breaker for our workflow.
No worries, Mike! Thanks for the link. Currently I'm using Cloud, not sure if I will be going back to Server. But I bookmarked to look over your other apps as one may be of use to us. Cheers!
Elizabeth, not to get too self-promotional, but Comalatech's Comala Share It app is designed to share pages with people outside of your Confluence team. You can learn more here: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1212189/comala-share-it?hosting=server&tab=overview
Is there a marketplace solution you like for this? Many of the people I work with cannot (or will not) access the Confluence instance so need to be able to get content like before. Plus there is also the issue of archival and accessibility. Not everything needs to be collaborative, sometimes you just want a read-only copy that doesn't depend on connectivity.
I still object to this (possible) feature to be turned on by default. There are already solutions in the marketplace to solve this issue. Send a complete mail content to an email address poses a possible security problem and also hinders collaboration. Anyway, mail is so last century...
Any update about this? This feature is than basic like a important.
Can this new feature allow external sharing of Confluence content similar to the one in cloud?
Agreed. Copy paste into outlook is a huge mess. I've not found a workaround.
Many users use a Confluence page to represent data that is also required for some sort of regular email report/digest. I have seen multiple requests at the two workplaces I have been at in the last decade, and the need has not changed in that time. Please add this simple addition to email a page. It would be essential that in doing so that any page content rendered via macros is included correctly. It would be nice if there was an option to include information on what page was exported/sent, it's version, and the time of the export/send.
really looking for this feature to be available so that I need not to send devOps team reports manually. Confluence should trigger them automatically based on my configuration.
I believe at the end of the page you can always add buttons for Like, Comment, edit, etc. so after clicking on the links it will open the page in Confluence. However, it would be great to have this feature to use Confluence as news aggregator sending memo to all company or a group with at least excerpt content with a link to the message (a blog page).
imagine you send the whole page content to individuals in your company: How will they comment & collaborate? They write a mail to the author. This is always a 1:1 communication. Nobody knows what others have commented except the author/sender of the mail. As the receivers don't have a Confluence license, there will be no collaboration. They might be happy about the mail, but they cannot participate & collaborate on the content. Focusing on the work inside Confluence is the right way & not sending mails forth & back. Take this as an argument of the benefits of Confluence: It's not about sending mails, it's about working & collaborating inside the tool and getting rid of the mail flood.
Since my experience with Confluence/Jira is limited, I do not know if export to Word or PDF can be configured or not, but forwarding the content of a full page could be handled in the same way. As always, it's the person's responsiblity what information will be shared with others and copy/paste or even taking a picture are backdoors anyway.
When looking at this feature from customer's perspective, I see a big chance to spread the benefits of Confluence within our organisation. Our project team could right now start to gather information in Confluence like creating examples of templates or a team's KPI page or just forwarding meeting outcomes to important stakeholders. Lots of possible scenarios to do marketing for Confluence and get people excited about. That really would speed up the implementation and lead to more licenses being sold (earlier)
Focus on the individual working with Confluence ... user centric design ... that should be the most important point for it and customers would deeply appreciate that. Still hoping to have this feature in the near future, thanks
As I can understand the need for sharing whole page contents, if this feature is introduced it must be made globally configurable by an admin. As we can control who has access to Confluence, we can control who can see the contents of a page. Sharing a page with content to an email address is much harder to control then just sending the link to a page. Please keep in mind the GDPR (at least in Europe) makes the whole topic of sending (mostly unencrypted) emails possibly containing personal data to someone somewhere in the world a bit more difficult. One might point out, that an export to PDF & send mail afterwards from your mail client is about the same, but the hurdle is a bit higher in this case... Another point, we don't actually want different versions of a page content to be mailed around. If recipients start collaborating about the content they should do this in Confluence and not by ping pong email.
From my point of view enabling a feature like this without making it configurable would be problematic...
We actually are implementing Confluence and part of the functionality we are replacing is today done with Microsoft's OneNote. One really great feature in OneNote is, that you can easily share a complete page by mail with anybody. The created and forwarded *.mht attachement includes everything. Of course, there might be the argument, that the receiver does not need Confluence license to read the content, as it is with the PDF scenario too.
Keep the customer's benefit in mind when introducing Confluence. The project team and other enablers need smart & lean functions to share news with their colleagues and the project team of course wants to do this with Atlassian tools. They want their colleagues to become curious and interested in Atlassian. In fact, this small and smart feature would lead to additional Atlassian licenses being sold.
looking forward ... thanks
Indeed, please add this feature again, it would help big time to easen the use of Confluence and share documents created within our organisation with specific people at customers without handing over URL’s and logins to them.
bump. please. help. Feel free to contact me for use-cases, etc. You could even one-up the game by dynamically rendering the contents when the email is opened (although that would be an image, not text)... Why, oh why, make this hard?
Please bring this feature back.
Third party add-ons aren't a viable option for us.
Hi Ewa, my company, Comalatech, has a Confluence add-on that was developed to provide this functionality. Using it on a page creates a shareable link that when clicked will open a new webpage with all the content, images, and look and feel of Confluence. You can share this link with anyone, even those outside your Instance, or even people without Confluence altogether. You can try it out for free, just download it from the Atlassian Marketplace. Let me know if I can answer any questions for you!
there are different third party add in's that can do this (sometimes without proper embeding of the content) like "send Page" for instance.
I'm actually shocked that such a useful option isn't available. I can see where just sending a link would be sufficient, but in most cases, users really want to send the actual content.
Please give the share button the ability to put the content of the page into an email and send it from Confluence. Yes doing html in mail is complicated, but even if it's a stripped down version of the document, it would be so much better than what we have to do now which is copy the entire page, paste it into email, and format it accordingly.
We're trying to move our corporate internal wikis to Confluence, but this feature's nonexistence is causing trouble. The attitude that people "should just go to the wiki and view the page" seems a bit adversarial and not helpful. Sharing the contents of a blog post, or meeting notes (etc) is a very basic feature of all (AFAIK) enterprise level tools of this sort, so if you want to compete with other enterprise level tools, a feature like this is not optional. Employees are extremely busy and context switching is costly. Requiring people to go to an extra source just to read a blog post or meeting notes can often mean the difference between them reading the update or not. It's unfortunate but true.
can you please add this feature? It is the very important function required and its not there
It would be very nice to have this kind of feature, just like Google Drive documents...
The lack of this feature is a huge problem for us. I've been using Confluence for long enough that I expected it to be there, and I'm kind of shocked this essential feature has been removed. What are you thinking? Do you believe that everyone should always have to go into the wiki to get information?
Hi JM Norlund,
As you mention, our add-on Share It doesn't include the page in the email content. However, you could include it as an iframe, although not all email clients allow iframes.
Here is an example of how to use iframes to include a shared page:
The Comalatech Share It plugin allows sharing of the page using a public link, which is nice. However it doesn't include the page contents in the e-mail which is a feature I would like to have.
We've just released the new version of Share Attachments and Pages ( https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.keinoby.confluence.plugins.share-attachments). This add-on allows users to share pages with non-Confluence users, not just the link, but the page with all the content.
We are eager to get feedback!
I also have users asking for this. The rational being that many users get their mail while remote (eg on their phone) while our Confluence instance is internal. So it is important that they can read the contents of the page without having to connect a VPN to be able to browse to the page.
I will be looking for 3rd party plugins or writing my own script to accomplish this. It would awesome if you all would bake it into Confluence though.
Hi Confluence team,
We would like to implement this function too. When the HR team in my company create some announcements then share it to the whole company, they would like the employees to view the content directly in the email. Currently, it just displays the title with some optional notes, so the employees tend to ignore the emails.
Hope that it will be implemented soon.
This is a feature that we'd like to see, too.
However, I would further request that there be an option to limit potential recipients to those that already have access to the page's content.
(e.g. if the Space/Page allows anonymous viewing, any user/email address is fine. But if the page is restricted to a subset of people, you should only be able to send the content to people in that subset)
Otherwise, you're implementing a feature that can easily bypass existing access controls.
We would also like to see this implemented.
More comments on this issue can be found here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Subscribing+to+Email+Notifications+of+Updates+to+Confluence+Content
I agree with some comments that sending the entire page contents in email defeats part of the benefits of using Confluence. However, I still think giving the user the option would be good.
We found this feature (using the Mail Page plugin) to be very helpful in our old instance of Confluence and are disappointed its not supported in 5.x. Definitely would like to see this; its gotta be "low hanging fruit"!
Agreed this is a blocker for upgrading. In one implementation Confluence is used to track outbound materials shipments. Recipients are notified of the shipment by emailing the Confluence page. Many of those recipients do not have Confluence accounts. It is a pain to copy the page content manually into an email.
This feature is missing in Confluence 4.X - we user the Mail page functionality in Confluence 3.X, this is very important feature! Blocker for upgrading to Confluence 4.X.
This enhancement will become even more important once Confluence 4.0 comes out, as we'll no longer be bundling the older Mail Page plugin.
reported by Richard Smith of netflix.com via https://support.atlassian.com/browse/CSP-65212
I am desperately looking for this feature, is there any update on whether confluence will support it?