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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-20177

Bold markup gets reliably corrupted to/from WYSIWYG editor with certain sequences of escaped literal \*

      I've hit this three times now, and it is incredibly annoying. Worse, there seems no easy way out other than avoiding using * - which is difficult!

      In the cases that I am being affected, it is when my Confluence pages start to reference IP address masks such as 47.* . Many of these references work, however, they can also fail!

      Try the following as a "minimal steps to reproduce":

      1) Add Page
      2) In Rich Text type these keys exactly:
      2a) Control-B
      2b) "A"
      2c) Control-B
      2d) SPACE
      2e) "4"
      2f) "7"
      2g) "."
      2h) "*"
      2i) ")"
      2j) SPACE
      2k) Control-B
      2l) "B"
      2m) Control-B
      3) Confirm that you see (with A and B being bold): A 47.*) B
      4) Click "Wiki Markup"
      5) Confirm that you see: *A* 47.*) *B*
      6) Click "Rich Text"
      7) Confirm that you see (with A and ") *B" being bold): A 47.) *B

      As you should be able to reproduce from the above, going back and forth from "Wiki Markup" and "Rich Text" seems to be corrupting the bold markup.

      I confirmed that the same things happens with underline and + as well as italic and _.

      Please fix before I go crazy.

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Data Center'
            1. Confluence Data Center
            2. CONFSERVER-20177

            Bold markup gets reliably corrupted to/from WYSIWYG editor with certain sequences of escaped literal \*

                I've hit this three times now, and it is incredibly annoying. Worse, there seems no easy way out other than avoiding using * - which is difficult!

                In the cases that I am being affected, it is when my Confluence pages start to reference IP address masks such as 47.* . Many of these references work, however, they can also fail!

                Try the following as a "minimal steps to reproduce":

                1) Add Page
                2) In Rich Text type these keys exactly:
                2a) Control-B
                2b) "A"
                2c) Control-B
                2d) SPACE
                2e) "4"
                2f) "7"
                2g) "."
                2h) "*"
                2i) ")"
                2j) SPACE
                2k) Control-B
                2l) "B"
                2m) Control-B
                3) Confirm that you see (with A and B being bold): A 47.*) B
                4) Click "Wiki Markup"
                5) Confirm that you see: *A* 47.*) *B*
                6) Click "Rich Text"
                7) Confirm that you see (with A and ") *B" being bold): A 47.) *B

                As you should be able to reproduce from the above, going back and forth from "Wiki Markup" and "Rich Text" seems to be corrupting the bold markup.

                I confirmed that the same things happens with underline and + as well as italic and _.

                Please fix before I go crazy.

                        smansour Sherif Mansour
                        7e93bd67c684 Mark Mielke
                        1 Vote for this issue
                        1 Start watching this issue


                            smansour Sherif Mansour
                            7e93bd67c684 Mark Mielke
                            Affected customers:
                            1 This affects my team
                            1 Start watching this issue
