Resolution: Fixed
Current content is:
A system error has occurred — our apologies!
Please ask your Confluence administrator to create a support issue on Atlassian's support system at http://support.atlassian.com with the following information:
1. a description of your problem and what you were doing at the time it occurred
2. a copy of the error and system information found below
3. a copy of the application logs (if possible).Your Confluence administrator can use the support request form to create a support ticket which will include this information.
We will respond as promptly as possible.
Thank you!Return to site homepage...
Proposed change:
A system error has occurred — our apologies!
For immediate troubleshooting, consult our knowledge base for a solution.
If you would like to receive support from Atlassian's support team, ask your Confluence administrator to create a support issue on Atlassian's support system at http://support.atlassian.com with the following information:
1. a description of your problem and what you were doing at the time it occurred
2. a copy of the error and system information found below
3. a copy of the atassian-confluence.log fileYour Confluence administrator can use the support request form to create a support ticket which will include this information.
We will respond as promptly as possible.
Thank you!Return to site homepage...
- is related to
CONFSERVER-16298 Improve System Information reporting
- Closed
- relates to
CONFSERVER-15544 Improved 500page.jsp
- Closed