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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-16116

pdf export can run out of memory and not return


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None
    • 3.0
    • Page - Export / Import
    • Standalone, Windows, java version "1.6.0_14"
      Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_14-b08)
      Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)

      Exporting a large space to pdf fails with an out of memory error. Possibly it would succeed with more memory allocated, but that's not entirely the point.


      1. Why does it try to hold so much in memory? Why not 'stream' the space from the database into the disk?
      2. When it failed, it didn't return an error message, it just left the progress bar counting up and and up and up.

      Fixing either of those things would make this bug less painful.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            5a9ab946d8b5 Ben Aveling
            1 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
