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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-12872

Javascript errors prevent page moves


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • 2.8.2
    • None
    • Firefox 3.0.1

      In some of our spaces at wikis.sun.com, we noticed that when we try to move a page a javascript error is thrown when the page tree loads.

      It looks like this error prevents the page to be highlighted in the tree and that makes it impossible to move the page to a new location.

      Error: node is null
      Source File: https://wikis.sun.com/s/1325/4/1.0/_/download/resources/confluence.web.resources:page-ordering-tree/tree.js
      Line: 80


      Error: node is null
      Source File: https://wikis.sun.com/s/1325/4/1.0/_/download/resources/confluence.web.resources:page-ordering-tree/tree.js
      Line: 89

      I'm not sure if depth is a factor, but all of the pages that I see right now are 5 or more levels deep in the tree hierarchy.

            shaffenden Steve Haffenden (Inactive)
            15d9a6950818 Igor Minar
            2 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
