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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-11640

Errors retrieving mail from Microsoft Exchange: "Unable to load BODYSTRUCTURE"


      2008-04-28 10:57:07,916 WARN [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-4] [atlassian.confluence.mail.DefaultMailAccountManager] retrieveMessages Could not store message within Confluence: [com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPMessage@3226f4] - this message will be left on the server
      com.atlassian.confluence.core.ConfluenceException: Could not store incoming mail: Unable to load BODYSTRUCTURE

      The above error is related to a specific IMAP mail server and the Javamail API. It is a known problem as reported in SUN website

      We should really encompass this problem in a fix - i.e. Confluence should implement the recommended fix in an exception handler if Confluence current implementation can't access the message?

      It's going to be a hard sell to get that team to convince Microsoft that they should make a fix to Exchange just to help out Confluence, and then get that team to schedule rolling out a patch onto our mail servers... It seems to me like handling this within Confluence is the solution we could have more control over...

      The following technique will often allow you to work around these server bugs:

      // Get the message object from the folder in the usual way, for example:
      MimeMessage msg = (MimeMessage)folder.getMessage;
      // Use the MimeMessage copy constructor to make a copy of the entire message, which will fetch the entire message from the server and parse it on the client:
      MimeMessage cmsg = new MimeMessage(msg);
      // The cmsg object is disconnected from the server so setFlags will have no effect (for example). Use the original msg object for such operations. Use the cmsg object to access the content of the message.

            ckiehl Chris Kiehl
            ivan@atlassian.com Ivan Benko [Atlassian]
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
