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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-11224

XML code disappears from inside {code} macro in a comment when user edits


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • 2.7.3
    • None

      My user lost code inside an XML block in a comment when editing in Firefox.
      The code in the original comment looked like this:
      I might even go so far as to allow for delimited sections (in which XML may be a better choice) so that there's less chance for confusion. I.e. if 400 lines down, someone accidentally deletes the second '1' in p11, they've reset something up here that was unintentional. Something like

              friendlyName="Java Key Stores (1)"
              oldId = "uuidl:1900234">

      When the user attempted to re-edit this comment (in either Rich Text or Wiki Markup mode), some of the XML in the code block disappeared, so that it looked like this:
      I might even go so far as to allow for delimited sections (in which XML may be a better choice) so that there's less chance for confusion. I.e. if 400 lines down, someone accidentally deletes the second '1' in p11, they've reset something up here that was unintentional. Something like

      "Java Key Stores (1)"
              oldId = "uuidl:1900234">

      Only the attributes of the first element in the XML and the asterisk from the element <keyAccess> seems to have been retained.

      I was unable to reproduce this in my own Firefox browser when editing the same comment. Perhaps this was due to the version of Firefox, or to the plug-ins installed on this user's Firefox browser? I will submit the list of these plug-ins separately once the user sends them to me.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            01fc6e9af467 Jim Dibble
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