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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-10400

Word export fails to export attached images


      Hi folks,

      our Confluence installation fails to export images which are stored as attachments with the individual Confluence page:

      • Images are "exported" into just blank boxes.
      • Thumbnails are exported into links (though no image appears in the actual Word document either).

      Anonymous users are not allowed to browse our Confluence installation ("Anonymous access" is disabled).

      I can provide screenshots of the actual page in Confluence and a sample export Word document if needed (I haven't added them yet because I'd need to revise the Word document to remove sensitive information).

      This is a serious thing and we cannot effectively use the Word export. Please help. Thanks in advance.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            d4eb28dc553d Oliver Zechiel
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