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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-984

Extended Characters to be allowed in Page Title


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Cloud. Using Confluence Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      At the moment I can create pages with names like "To be continued..." or "Stars - Little Galaxy Burps", however I cant create a page titled "Help! I'm a fish!" due to restricted characters in Page Title.

      I understand that some extended characters (^, !, | etc) are used for other purposes but I can see there being two ways out of this:

      1. Escaping - "Help! I\'m a fish!"
      2. Implementation of Alternative Titles, so I could set the page title to "aquamarine.fish.helpme" and the alternative title set to something else. You would continue to link to "aquamarine.fish.helpme" but on the page itself (in the breadcrumb trail, in the page display, in the hierarchical view, in the children list etc) it would show the alternative title. [aquamarine.fish.helpme] would show "Help! I'm a fish!" as the link, perhaps this could be an option which could be configured in the administration area ... "Use displayed title where entered?" or something like that.

      I think there is an issue around for #2. This could be entirely optional (it would default to showing the page title as the alternative / display title) and the page title could continue to be used with the current characters allowed. This would also make it compatable with previous system data. The tables could be extended to fit on upgrade.

      The related issue is CONF-885

      Note - this may be a duplicate, but I searched around and couldnt find any issues ... Maybe Im looking in the wrong place.

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            dhardiker Dan Hardiker
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