Resolution: Fixed
In V1, developer can obtain a list of collaborators for a specific version of a page using the endpoint /rest/api/content/:id/version?expand=collaborators.user
In V2, to get a list of all collaborators across all versions of a page, users must:
- Retrieve a list of all versions of a page using /api/v2/pages/:id/versions.
- For each version, make an individual API request to /api/v2/pages/:page-id/versions/:version-number to obtain the collaborators of the page.
This results in 1 + [every version] API calls, which is inefficient and burdensome, particularly for pages with numerous versions.
As a developer, we would like to have a new endpoint or the enhancement of an existing one to allow users to retrieve all collaborators across all versions of a page in a single API call.
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Provide V2 API Endpoint to retrieve Collaborators across page versions
Resolution: Fixed
In V1, developer can obtain a list of collaborators for a specific version of a page using the endpoint /rest/api/content/:id/version?expand=collaborators.user
In V2, to get a list of all collaborators across all versions of a page, users must:
- Retrieve a list of all versions of a page using /api/v2/pages/:id/versions.
- For each version, make an individual API request to /api/v2/pages/:page-id/versions/:version-number to obtain the collaborators of the page.
This results in 1 + [every version] API calls, which is inefficient and burdensome, particularly for pages with numerous versions.
As a developer, we would like to have a new endpoint or the enhancement of an existing one to allow users to retrieve all collaborators across all versions of a page in a single API call.
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