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Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Cloud'
  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-79663

Provide V2 API Endpoint to retrieve Collaborators across page versions

      In V1, developer can obtain a list of collaborators for a specific version of a page using the endpoint /rest/api/content/:id/version?expand=collaborators.user
      In V2, to get a list of all collaborators across all versions of a page, users must:

      • Retrieve a list of all versions of a page using /api/v2/pages/:id/versions.
      • For each version, make an individual API request to /api/v2/pages/:page-id/versions/:version-number to obtain the collaborators of the page.

      This results in 1 + [every version] API calls, which is inefficient and burdensome, particularly for pages with numerous versions.

      As a developer, we would like to have a new endpoint or the enhancement of an existing one to allow users to retrieve all collaborators across all versions of a page in a single API call.

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Confluence Cloud'
            1. Confluence Cloud
            2. CONFCLOUD-79663

            Provide V2 API Endpoint to retrieve Collaborators across page versions

                In V1, developer can obtain a list of collaborators for a specific version of a page using the endpoint /rest/api/content/:id/version?expand=collaborators.user
                In V2, to get a list of all collaborators across all versions of a page, users must:

                • Retrieve a list of all versions of a page using /api/v2/pages/:id/versions.
                • For each version, make an individual API request to /api/v2/pages/:page-id/versions/:version-number to obtain the collaborators of the page.

                This results in 1 + [every version] API calls, which is inefficient and burdensome, particularly for pages with numerous versions.

                As a developer, we would like to have a new endpoint or the enhancement of an existing one to allow users to retrieve all collaborators across all versions of a page in a single API call.

                        9d0e29d8c299 Shangway Hsu
                        54bf2707b706 Deepak Pandey
                        3 Vote for this issue
                        5 Start watching this issue


                            9d0e29d8c299 Shangway Hsu
                            54bf2707b706 Deepak Pandey
                            3 Vote for this issue
                            5 Start watching this issue
