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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-78182

Support for Include Fields on Bulk Fetches of Attachments



    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      Confluence Cloud currently divides Attachments into two main categories: AttachmentSingle and AttachmentBulk. The former refers to operations involving a single attachment such as "Get attachment by id", while the latter refers to operations involving multiple attachments such as "Get attachments for label, page, etc."

      At the moment, our system only supports the includes fields on single-entity fetches (AttachmentSingle). This means that in the case of AttachmentBulk operations, the label metadata is not returned.

      This feature request proposes to extend the functionality of includes fields to bulk fetches (AttachmentBulk). By doing so, users will be able to receive label metadata even when performing operations that involve multiple attachments.

      This additional functionality will offer more flexibility and detail in the data retrieval process and will enhance the overall user experience.

      We believe that this improvement will offer significant benefits to our users and we kindly request the development team to consider its implementation.




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            e925f0070e90 Dhanush
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