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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-76885

Ability to link different epics when using "Create multiple issues from table" in Confluence


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      Confluence allows the creation of one or more issues using data from a table within a page. Currently, this process also supports linking these new issues with an existing Epic, given that the Epic already exists.

      In a scenario where a table contains information about tasks belonging to different epics, it is not possible to have all tickets created in bulk while also linking them to their respective epics. Rather, the option is only presented when one single Epic is referenced in the table.

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Create an Epic on a Jira project
      2. Create a Confluence page
      3. Add a table as in the example below:
        • Summary Epic Description
          Task 1 Summary <Existing epic> <Issue 1 Description>
          Task 2 Summary <Existing epic> <Issue 2 Description>
          Task 3 Summary <Existing epic> <Issue 3 Description>
      4. Select the "Summary" header and click "+ Create Issue"
      5. Select "Create multiple issues from table"
      6. Map the fields and tick the "Link to <Existing Epic>"

      If there are multiple epics referenced on the table, the option to link with Epic will not be presented.

      Solution Proposed

      Having an option that allows multiple epics to be linked, ideally mapping each row to the desired epic.

      Existing workaround

      It is possible to achieve this by creating multiple tables, each of them with tasks that belong to a single epic, and repeat the process to create multiple issues for each of the tables.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            lhubert@atlassian.com Leonardo H
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