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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-76626

Page Properties Report macro does not load all information when 'number of items to display' is high


      Summary Problem

      The Page Properties Report macro does not load all information when the 'number of items to display' is other than 10.


      Confluence Cloud

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a large number of pages (e.g. 50) containing the 'Page Properties' Macro;
      2. Create a page with the 'Page Properties Report' macro to display information about those pages;
      3. Set the 'Number of items to display' to 30 (as an example).

      Expected Results

      The information pulled through the 'Page Properties' should load correctly.

      Actual Results

      The information pulled in the Report Macro fails to load data (randomly) when having a large number of rows to display.


      Set the 'number of items to display' to 10.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            0e1e414c5cb7 Edson B [Atlassian Support]
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