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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-75575

Can not archive/unarchive page while using admin key.


      Issue Summary

      Confluence Cloud allows the admin key to be used to view pages that are restricted by page restrictions. When a space admin attempts to archive/unarchives a page while using the admin key. The page will never archive.

      Steps to Reproduce

      Reproduce Archive Page behavior:

      1. Create page with page restrictions
      2. Have a site admin use the admin key to view the page
      3. Attempt to archive the page

      Reproduce Unarchive Page behavior:

      1. Create page with restrictions and archive the page
      2. Have a site admin use the admin key to view the page
      3. site admin attempt to restore the page.

      Expected Results

      The page should be archived/unarchived.

      Actual Results

      The page will show a popup that says the archive was successful. However, the page never is removed from the page tree and never appears in the archive pages. Additionally, the same, but in reverse, is true for unarchived pages.

      We will see the below message in the long_running_task database table:

      PageArchivedList :: []
      PageUnarchivedList :: []


      Currently, we 2 workarounds:

      • Have user who is not blocked by page restrictions archive/unarchive the page
      • Remove page restrictions on the page and parent pages

            0543480daccd Daisy Reyes
            590db20ccbc2 @ispann
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            9 Start watching this issue
