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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-74760

Sorting based on date column is not happening correctly inside the Page properties report macro.


      Issue Summary

      When sorting is done on the date column of the page properties report macro it is sorted incorrectly in specific scenarios.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create 3-4 Confluence pages containing page properties macro. The page properties macro should contain a date column. Let us name it the 'Go Live' date( or any name), The date column should have date, non-numeric and null values.(Screenshot 1)
      2. Put a common label for these pages(this is optional).
      3. Create a new page properties macro and invoke these pages. The Sort column attribute for the macro should not have any values. (Screenshot 2).
      4. By default, the page properties report macro will show the page property which was last published on the top. (Screenshot 3).
      5. Now try to sort the values based on the 'Go Live' column. The sorting happens based on the day of the date ignoring the month and year. (Screenshot 4).

      This is happening in both old and new editors.

      Expected Results

      The sorting based on the date column in the page properties report macro should happen correctly.

      Actual Results

      The sorting on the date column of the page properties report is happening incorrectly.


      Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

        1. Screenshot 1.png
          Screenshot 1.png
          391 kB
        2. Screenshot 2.png
          Screenshot 2.png
          364 kB
        3. Screenshot 3.png
          Screenshot 3.png
          529 kB
        4. Screenshot 4.png
          Screenshot 4.png
          572 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            smathew3@atlassian.com Sajan M
            1 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
