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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-74688

Creating pages from templates do not work if an archived page has the same title as the parent/indexing template page




      Issue Summary

      Upon creating pages using certain templates like the product requirements one, a parent/indexing page will be created to display all pages using this template, called "Product requirements".

      If a page with the same title as the parent/indexing page gets archived, creating a page using the template in question will not work.

      Steps to Reproduce

      In this example, we will be using the Product requirements template.

      1. Create a page called "Product requirements". Alternatively, go to a personal space that got automatically created, which will have a page called Product requirements as a child from the "Sample pages" ** one.
      2. Archive the page in question.
      3. Go back to the space and create a page using the Product requirements template, giving it a random title.

      Expected Results

      The page should be created and the parent/indexing should append a (2) to the title, which is what happens if the page is not archived.

      Actual Results

      The page is not created and the following message is displayed (also covered in CONFCLOUD-74687):

      We're having trouble connectin right now

      Give us a few seconds to reconnec, and you can resume your work

      On the top-right:

      Something's gone wrong.

      Try again later.

      From the browser's console, the following is observed:

      Request URL: https://<INSTANCE-name>.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/content/blueprint/instance/<ID>?status=draft
      Request Method: PUT
      Status Code: 500 
      message: "com.atlassian.confluence.pages.DuplicateDataRuntimeException: A page already exists with the title Product requirements in the space with key <SPACE-KEY>"
      statusCode: 500 


      Different workarounds can be used for this one:

      • Unarchive the page, which will have the parent/indexing page created with an extra (2) in the title.
      • Change the title of the archived page after unarchiving it so it can be archived again.
      • Delete the page with the same title from the parent/indexing page.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            gdecampos Giuliano C.
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