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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-74571

Allow page properties report without label


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      We would very much appreciate not to be forced to use labels for page property reports, but find it optional, and be enabled to address pages explicitly.

      That, because page properties and lables function completely differently.


      We think and use page properties as structured 'technical' features of a page, i. e. condensed 'meta-information'.

      Page properties are created and controlled by the author based on his motivation to create and fill that page, and assigned by him to properties strictly conforming to the properties' semantics and structure.

      Page properties are 'controlled entities' that provide clear and sufficiently comprehensive information about a page in a somehow technical sense, that a 'common' reader does not necessarily need to know.

      Labels, in contrary, are simple and 'un-controlled entities', i. e. objects applied by a reader individually within the context of an individual reader's doing and understanding, and in probably most cases not compatible with the author's view.


      Due to the need of numerous dynamic listings, we were forced to create a meanwhile remarkable number of 'technical labels' used for page property reports. Those, although recognizable by a special naming convention, show up everywhere mixed with the 'non technical' labels' in their original sense.

      Now, whereever we have to offer a list of labels, we are forced to exclude all those technical labels (quiet ardoruous and not possible everywhere), and whereever we search for labels, we have to know the naming convention and work around it.


      (see also my according comment for Confluence Server and Data Center)

            Unassigned Unassigned
            1b2878af2e20 Peter Hachen
            25 Vote for this issue
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