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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-74530

Editing a JIRA macro inside a section will make it jump to the next section


      Issue Summary

      When creating a Confluence page, users can use the layouts tool to create sections on the page. If you have a JIRA macro inside a section and then edit it, the macro will jump to the next section.

      If you have a different JIRA macro in the other section, the second macro will be overwritten by the one you just edited.

      This affects both JIRA issues macro and JIRA charts macro. It also happens with 3rd party apps such as the Custom Jira charts macro.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Confluence page.
      2. Add 2 or 3 sections using the layouts tool. Alternatively, you can create a table with two columns.
      3. Add a JIRA macro in the first section (or first column).
      4. Edit the JIRA macro (e.g. perform a change on the JQL query and Run/Search).
      5. Save the change.

      Expected Results

      The JIRA macro should stay in the section/table that it was.

      Actual Results

      The JIRA macro jumps to the next section. Here's a video:


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior.

      To fix the issue, we suggest users to copy and paste the macro after it's been already set up.

            lwang4@atlassian.com Lulu Wang
            9574dabfb3a9 Matheus Z
            10 Vote for this issue
            16 Start watching this issue
