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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-72981

Improve flexibility of numbered lists


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Numbered lists in confluence should be more flexible. Please make the numbered list feature be able to do the following: 

      1. Begin a numbered list on a user defined number greater than 1
      2. Add ability for Numbered list to count incrementally over upper and lowercase alphabet or roman numeral characters  
      3. Numbering for numbered list should be available to 4 digits
      4. 0 should be a valid starting point for numbered list. 

      Explanation and user cases:

      1.  Begin Numbered List on a  user defined number greater than 1: 
      Our department regularly has reasons to count through a document rather than an ordered list. If the feature to start on a number higher than one is available it will allow us to maintain order numbering throughout the document while also allowing us to count consecutively where there are no breaks in items. In this scenario the shift-enter workaround does not meet our requirements. 

        This feature is also requested as we have documents being entered into the confluence space that have a preexisting consecutive numbering system beginning above one. Allowing the numbered lists to start on a user defined number would allow us to use automated counting that matches an existing documents counting.  

      2. Add ability for Numbered list to count incrementally over alphabet or roman numeral characters :

      The numbered list feature should also include the ability to count through upper and lowercase alphabet characters and roman numerals. This feature should count based on the user's input.


      1. Counting starting with A should be A,B,C
      2. Counting starting with a should be a,b,c
      3. Counting starting with I should be I, II, III
      4. Counting starting with i should be i, ii, iii, iv

      3. Numbering for numbered list should be available to 4 digits

      Numbering should be available to four digits 0-9999


      4. 0 should be a valid starting point for numbered list. 


      0 should be a valid starting integer for starting a numbered list. This feature could be helpful to both developers referencing the first index in a list, and any industry that uses 0 to indicate the first value in a series. 

            Unassigned Unassigned
            87e29c845f34 Nate Dickinson
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