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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-72238

Page Property Report Macro tasks no longer show up with checkboxes after page refresh. They are now just bulleted lists



      In Confluence, the tasks/action items in the Page Properties Report macro are missing styling. For example, the dates no longer show up in different colors for past due, upcoming, and long-term. Tasks show up as a bullet point instead of a checkbox.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a page and include the Page Properties Report macro
      2. Include tasks in a page using the Page Properties macro

      Expected Results

      Formatting should remain the same, including various colors for the state of tasks, and checkboxes.

      Actual Results

      Formatting appears to be missing:

      • Tasks do not have checkboxes. They become bullet points instead.
      • Content like panels will miss its formatting (I.E. the info panel).


      • Edit the page and publish it again.
      • Have a Include page macro added to the page and pointing to the same page using the Page Properties macro or another one that has action items. This will force the bullet points to keep being action items.
      • Use other macros like the Include page macro or Excerpt include to retrieve content from another page.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            c3f783f6aaa3 Uzair Ahmed
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