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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-71350

TOC Macro URI malformed error occurs with a link containing percentage




      Bug Fix Policy

      At the moment, we can't set an ETA for the fix to be released, since there's a number of factors that determine how our product team prioritizes bugfixes.
      You can learn more by reading Atlassian Cloud Bug Fixing Policy.

      Issue Summary

      The link in ToC doesn't work properly due to the lack of percent-encoding.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a page with a header: "H2 10% Sample Header"
      2. Place a Table of Content (ToC) macro
      3. Publish the page
      4. Click the link in the ToC
      5. The error occurs: "We've hit a snag"

      Expected Results

      User can jump to the linked header via ToC.

      Actual Results

      Links with percentage don't work due to the error below:

      URIError: URI malformed at decodeURIComponent (<anonymous>) at X.renderRenderer (https://confluence-v1.prod.atl-paas.net/master/fabric-renderer~dc51bad7.SqPhw8aBSf.js:25:4778) at https://confluence-v1.prod.atl-paas.net/master/fabric-renderer~dc51bad7.SqPhw8aBSf.js:25:5587 at re (https://confluence-v1.prod.atl-paas.net/master/67.Uft3zQy746.js:151:46945) at $i (https://confluence-v1.prod.atl-paas.net/master/vendors~4134d62c.MLUonLJw2g.js:2:668899) at Da (https://confluence-v1.prod.atl-paas.net/master/vendors~4134d62c.MLUonLJw2g.js:2:677760) at yu (https://confluence-v1.prod.atl-paas.net/master/vendors~4134d62c.MLUonLJw2g.js:2:716357) at cs (https://confluence-v1.prod.atl-paas.net/master/vendors~4134d62c.MLUonLJw2g.js:2:707686) at us (https://confluence-v1.prod.atl-paas.net/master/vendors~4134d62c.MLUonLJw2g.js:2:707611) at Zu (https://confluence-v1.prod.atl-paas.net/master/vendors~4134d62c.MLUonLJw2g.js:2:704641)


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available.

      Consider adding yourself as a watcher to be kept informed as to the state of this feature request moving forward. With that way, if our development team updates the ticket, you'll be notified via email.


        1. image-2021-09-14-14-26-46-435.png
          23 kB
          Alex Hixon
        2. image-2021-09-14-14-26-58-172.png
          50 kB
          Alex Hixon
        3. Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 11.39.50.png
          1.03 MB
          K. Yamamoto
        4. Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 11.40.18.png
          1.07 MB
          K. Yamamoto

        Issue Links



              Unassigned Unassigned
              kyamamoto@atlassian.com K. Yamamoto
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

