Resolution: Duplicate
Hi everyone,
This is Laura from the Confluence Cloud product team. We are marking this ticket as closed because it is a duplicate of CONFCLOUD-69537. You can follow along the ticket there as the source of truth. Thank you again for your feedback!
As a Confluence Cloud user with low vision. I find the light blue text on white very difficult to work with. A higher contrast dark theme option (light text on dark background) would be extremely helpful
Currently Google Chrome as a Flag that can be toggled to have Dark Mode applied to all sites accessed through the Google Chrome Browser. This can be used to accomplish the end goal of have Dark Mode for Confluence Cloud. However, this is not a Native Confluence Cloud feature and might have unexpected results. Use the below steps to enable on Google Chrome:
- Open Google Chrome
- Navigate to chrome://flags/
- Search for Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents
- Relaunch chrome
- duplicates
CONFCLOUD-69537 Dark Mode, Please
- Closed
- mentioned in
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