Hi Traci,
Thanks for getting back to me. I am a new user moving over from a server based system at my old workplace to setting up Confluence Cloud in my new role. Your support person Trupti has been helping me and has enabled the legacy editor now. It seems like once the legacy editor is enabled the attachments macro can access a legacy preview window that includes the file editing even though that macro is placed on a new editor page. At least that's what seems to be happening, Trupti can share more details with you.
This all seems like a workaround though, and is not really ideal. This ticket is to make the companion edit function work with the new editor and that does not seem to work for me. Do you think this is a problem with a Chromium update? I have not tried with older browser versions because I am new! If there is a version of Chrome you think should work I could try to install it and confirm for you.
Thanks very much
Ahh, glad to hear that Trupti is on the case and can better advise on next troubleshooting.
I'm in charge of making sure the documentation is accurate and is adjusted when things change with new browser versions and when new features are released. I wanted to be sure I had all the details to share with the team.
Thank you for sharing more with me.