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      Status Update 09 January 2025

      Hi everyone!

      We’re excited to share that we’ve started working on adding more layout options to enhance your experience. Our first release will introduce the ability to select more column numbers, giving you greater flexibility.

      Following that, we’re exploring the possibility of introducing a single-column layout. Stay tuned for these updates as we continue to improve and expand our features! 

      We appreciate your patience as we work through these features. I know it has been a long time coming!


      Status Update 13 March 2020

      As we're working through this feature and others, we wanted to address a lot of your concerns as to the future of the new editor and legacy editor.

      Please read our recent community post here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-Cloud-articles/Change-to-your-content-is-in-your-hands/ba-p/1324476



      With the new editing improvements, the layouts have changed in order to provide different options for the users in order to be aligned with the newly introduced modifications and how the pages will render in terms of user experience.

      However, there are missing options in which were usable in terms of organization and to quickly help users reorganizing them, instead of relying on copy and paste from one specific part to the other. Those options would be:

      • Single column layout: No longer available and the closest of it would be to use a default space outside of the sections/columns. This could be useful for users that quickly wanted to reach certain parts of the page, or, copy only the content inside the specific column/section.
      • Options to Move to top/bottom: To quickly insert a new section above the page location. For larger pages, this quickly helped users to insert new content into a specific part and if needed, quickly re-organize a hierarchy of content that could be also used in macros like Table of Contents.
      • Four or more columns in the layout

      This is a request to have options to Move the layouts to the top/bottom back and also, the single-column layout for organization purposes.

            [CONFCLOUD-67648] Additional options for page layouts

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              e8ea7073596c Tamim Noorzad
              gdecampos Giuliano C.
              465 Vote for this issue
              238 Start watching this issue
