Choosing between editors ( not just styles ) is one of the strengths I brag about with Confluence to others.
I know from tracking this Confluence issue for 3 years, there is NOT agreement in the user community on what the "right, modern" editor should do clearly.
There are ( as correctly advertised by Confluence ) some good new features in the new editor.
There are also some features in the old editor that are still far superior ( try adding 10 rows quickly in the older editor vs the new editor – the + sign to hover on at the row level is hopelessly inaccurate ).
The fact that I can use one or the other editor for a page is very good.
The fact that choosing the editor ( and a style ) are easy enough for the average user ( or admin ) to understand is an issue.
Sometimes we have simple sites and the admin will not allow users to choose an editor or a style. In other cases we may want to allow authors a choice of editors or styles to meet their needs.
Having that freedom to setup sites to fit a use case and the freedom to choose editors and styles to fit is a plus. Let's make it easier to do.
I was using @Thomas Scully successfully, but today when creating pages with properties as above
I'm getting an HTTP 400 (400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: xxx) error even though the page is successfully added with full width! Strange. So it appears the 400 error is being reported erroneously.
If I remove the properties above, everything works fine, but of course, the page is now narrow in width.
Any ideas?