Resolution: Fixed
Hi everyone,
I'm Kieran, one of the Product Managers for the Atlassian Editor team. Thanks for all your comments and interest in this ticket. I'm pleased to share that we're now rolling out text highlighting in Confluence. You can read more about it here. https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-articles/New-feature-Text-highlighting-in-Confluence/ba-p/2728045
Thanks for your patience,
There has been a passionate community of people in the Atlassian Community that has been making a request for this feature for 4 years now. Perhaps there is already a ticket in Jira here but obviously Atlassian seems to be out of touch with these individuals therefore I have opened a duplicate ticket. It would seem to me that this sort of feature could be whipped up in short order and appease community of individuals that are openly expressing their frustrations towards Atlassian. What does it take to get the ear of Atlassian?
User Story
As a user in the editor of a Confluence page
I would like to have a control to set the background color of text
So that I do not need to read 4 years of help support suggestions; try numerous hacks; and be forced to buy & install plugins to do a simple style change to my text
Acceptance Criteria
Given that a user is in the Confluence page edit mode
And has selected some textWhen clicking on a background color control in the palette
And choosing yellowThen the background of the text just magically turns yellow
And the user can burn up their 5x7 cheat sheet for setting the background color