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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-62245

Create a place to aggregate decisions


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    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Atlassian Update: October 19, 2020

      Hi all,

      This is nagarwal@atlassian.com from the Confluence team. Thank you for your feedback and support on this issue.

      I have some great news. The new Decision Report Macro has been built and is going through internal dogfooding. We will start shipping this in the next couple of weeks. I will leave an update on this ticket once the deployment is fully complete.

      Niraj Agarwal
      Developer, Confluence

      Problem Definition

      The New Editing Experience has introduced a new version of Decisions, which are similar to Tasks.

      In order to keep an overview of all decisions, a way to aggregate and collect decisions, based on certain criteria would be welcome.

      Currently, there's no way to access all meeting note's decisions the same way it's possible to access the Tasks.

      Suggested Solution

      Implement a place to aggregate meeting note's decisions.


      Access individually each meeting notes.

              nagarwal@atlassian.com Niraj
              gtworkowski Guilherme T (Inactive)
              764 Vote for this issue
              394 Start watching this issue
