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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-59086

Unable to Stop Watching Space if user no longer has View Permissions



      • Confluence Cloud

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create new Space with admin account: Sample Space 1
      2. Log out of admin account, log in as User 1
      3. Select Sample Space 1 Overview Tab > Watch icon - Watch all content in this space
      4. Log out of User 1, Log into admin user
      5. Remove Space permissions from User 1
      6. Log in as User 1, view watches Spaces: <EXAMPLE>.atlassian.net/wiki/users/viewnotifications.action
      7. Sample Space 1 shows up in the Space Watches section
      8. Select Stop Watching. Text turns to Start Watching
      9. Refresh page and Stop Watching appears again

      Expected Results

      • Stop watching should allow users to Stop watching Space, regardless of permissions
      • Ideally, once a user's permission have been removed from Space, the user account should stop watching Space and Page content

      Actual Results

      • Stop Watching > Start Watching > Page Refresh > Stop Watching appears again
      • No way to Stop watching Space that you longer have permissions to View


      Related tickets


      1. Add View Permissions to the User in the desired Space
      2. Have User remove Space Watches
        • <EXAMPLE>.atlassian.net/wiki/users/viewnotifications.action
      3. Remove View Permissions from User once done

            kkaushik@atlassian.com Kuldeep
            jromero@atlassian.com Jose R. (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
