
      Word import of word document with too many images results in the following error (fails the import):

      @40000000591d57572422b98c 2017-05-18 16:11:57,601 ERROR [Caesium-1-8] [plugins.wordimport.service.WordImportTaskRunner] runTask Error importing Word document
      @40000000591d57572422c544  -- traceId: 835b4e78290d73ec
      @40000000591d57572422c544 WordImportCommand timed-out and no fallback available.
      @40000000591d57572422c92c       at$
      @40000000591d57572422c92c       at$

      How to Replicate

      1. Create a word document with many images attached to it
      2. Upload it to any Cloud instance, via ... >> Import Word Document (don't need to split headings)

      Investigation Done

      • Import works fine if the images in the document are removed
      • No OOME as far as we can see
      • The following errors are thrown:
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.366770500 2017-05-17 16:57:04,348 WARN [hystrix-WordImport-10] [internal.core.service.VCacheLock] lockWithTimeout Interrupted whilst waiting for a lock on cache: 
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.366772500  -- traceId: a21810173056a1c2
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.366772500 java.lang.InterruptedException
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.366772500 	at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.tryAcquireNanos(
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.366773500 	at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock.tryLock(
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.366809500 	at com.atlassian.vcache.internal.core.service.VCacheLock.lockWithTimeout(VCacheLo
        2017-05-17 16:57:03.236539500 2017-05-17 16:57:02,784 ERROR [Caesium-1-4] [plugins.wordimport.service.WordImportTaskRunner] runTask Error importing Word document
        2017-05-17 16:57:03.236541500  -- traceId: a21810173056a1c2
        2017-05-17 16:57:03.236541500 WordImportCommand timed-out and no fallback available.
        2017-05-17 16:57:03.236542500 	at$
        2017-05-17 16:57:03.236542500 	at$
        2017-05-17 16:57:03.236585500 	at rx.internal.operators.OperatorOnErrorResumeNextViaFunction$4.onError(
        2017-05-17 16:57:03.236586500 	at rx.internal.operators.OnSubscribeDoOnEach$DoOnEachSubscriber.onError(OnSubscribe
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.376943500 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.376944500 	at
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.376948500 Caused by: java.lang.InterruptedException
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.376948500 	at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.tryAcquireNanos(
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.376949500 	at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock.tryLock(
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.376949500 	at com.atlassian.vcache.internal.core.service.VCacheLock.lockWithTimeout(
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.376955500 	... 144 more
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.381609500 2017-05-17 16:57:04,377 WARN [hystrix-WordImport-10] [confluence.impl.hibernate.ConfluenceHibernateTransactionManager] doRollback Performing rollback. Transactions:
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.381610500   ->[PluginReadWriteTx]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,ISOLATION_DEFAULT (Session #21327507)
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.381610500         [null]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW,ISOLATION_DEFAULT (Session #11124671)
        2017-05-17 16:57:04.381610500         [null]: PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW,ISOLATION_DEFAULT (Session #26350011)


      Only workaround now is to remove the images in the Word document and attach them manually to the page post-import

            [CONFCLOUD-55244] Word Import Fails If Doc Contains Images

            Hi all,

            This particular bug has been fixed. If you're still experiencing issues, please contact our customer support ( so that we can diagnose the problem.


            jonah (Inactive) added a comment - Hi all, This particular bug has been fixed. If you're still experiencing issues, please contact our customer support ( so that we can diagnose the problem. Best, Jonah

            why is this ticket closed??? any update please????


            michael hok added a comment - why is this ticket closed??? any update please????  

            When is this Bug fix would be released ?

            triptijain24 added a comment - When is this Bug fix would be released ?

            Confluence , Have a date to fix that ? Or have a plan B ? 



            Enrique Trigo added a comment - Confluence , Have a date to fix that ? Or have a plan B ?    Tks. 

            How come a functionality stop running all of a sudden ?

            triptijain24 added a comment - How come a functionality stop running all of a sudden ?

            Is this fixed yet?  We have a pile of documentation that needs to be uploaded into Confluence.


            Michael Radeka added a comment - Is this fixed yet?  We have a pile of documentation that needs to be uploaded into Confluence.   

            Hi - we are experiencing this issue at the moment.  Is there and anticipated fix date?



            Helen Butchard added a comment - Hi - we are experiencing this issue at the moment.  Is there and anticipated fix date? Thanks Helen

              nhdang Nhan Dang
              fsim Foo Sim (Inactive)
              Affected customers:
              11 This affects my team
              31 Start watching this issue
