Resolution: Duplicate
I created a demo sdog page: https://sdog.jira.com/wiki/display/AGMP/test+widget following the exact conventions outlined in our documentation here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/AOD/Widget+Connector+Macro
The widget macro never renders and there is no information in the logs:
@4000000051d20afe2d2b02dc 2013-07-02 09:04:20,756 DEBUG [TP-Processor6] [confluence.tinymceplugin.rest.MacroResource] generatePlaceHolder Macro placeholder request for widget received @4000000051d20afe2d405f9c 2013-07-02 09:04:20,758 DEBUG [TP-Processor6] [confluence.tinymceplugin.rest.MacroResource] generatePlaceHolder Macro placeholder render complete
- duplicates
CONFSERVER-29639 Twitter feeds have stopped working in the Widget Connector
- Closed
WC-55 Loading...