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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-53741

Uh oh - found more than one object when single object requested



      When attempting to copy a page the save page option does nothing. Occuring because of duplicate attachment reference values in the database.


      Discovered in Confluence CLOUD version 5.9.0-OD-58-008

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Copy a page
      • Save copy

      Expected Results

      Copy is saved

      Actual Results

      save option has no response
      The below exception is thrown in the jira log file:

      src=spacemenfindSingleObject Uh oh - found more than one object when single object requested

      AND With Debugging enabled on the com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.conversion.impl.runnable (Administration Cog > General Configuration > Logging and Profiling), the following also appears for every occurrence of a duplicate:

      2015-07-09 09:19:45.156582500 2015-07-09 09:19:45,155 DEBUG [conversion-thread-cloud-23-internal] [impl.runnable.cloud.CloudConversionRunnable] debug Ticket: /ticket/b4fa24e8-b663-471c-9692-9c0c0548d981
      2015-07-09 09:19:45.164253500 2015-07-09 09:19:45,162 ERROR [conversion-thread-cloud-23] [plugins.conversion.impl.TimeoutConversionRunnable] run Cannot convert. Execution error: 
      2015-07-09 09:19:45.164256500  -- referer: https://<BASEURL>.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/editpage.action?pageId=<THE PAGE ID>


      To Identify the erring Files requires database access, so Cloud Users must file a support request at https://support.atlassian.com, Please reference this bug and the erring page in your request if this bug suspected.

      Query to locate erring file attachments:

      confluence=> Select title,count(1) from content where pageid = '<INSERT_PAGE_ID_HERE>' group by title having count(1) > 1;


      Use the list generated from the Query above to locate the attachments:

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