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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-52805

Quick issue creation in Confluence doesn't work for average sized tables



      The quick issue creation in Confluence is not working as expected when the user is trying to create multiple issues at the same time from a table linking them to an Epic that's in page.



      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a project in JIRA with the Epic type available
      2. Create a page in Confluence with a sample table data (you can use this one: http://www.okstate.edu/sas/v8/sashtml/accdb/z0389375.htm - customers table data)
      3. Create an Epic in the JIRA Project using the quick issue creation.
      4. Highlight the content in the table and select to create multiple issues from the table in the Confluence page using the quick create issue.
      5. Keep the link to Epic checked.
      6. Click Create:

      Expected Results

      The issues would be created in JIRA and the Confluence page would be updated with the JIRA issue macros on it.

      Actual Results

      The issues are not created and the following error appears on screen:

      There were errors creating issues in JIRA.
      The server may be unreachable. Please ensure you are running JIRA 5.0 or higher.

      In Confluence logs the following error message can be seen:

      2016-10-20 16:59:21.386063500 2016-10-20 16:59:21,383 WARN [http-bio-1994-exec-16] [internal.integration.jira.DefaultJiraService] communicateWithJira Problem communicating with JIRA: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
      2016-10-20 16:59:21.386064500  -- referer: https://jacksparrow.atlassian.net/wiki/display/JSD/Testing+things | url: /wiki/rest/jira-integration/1.0/issues | traceId: 52ad42a5d0d673e0 | userName: sysadmin
      2016-10-20 16:59:21.788016500 2016-10-20 16:59:21,781 WARN [http-bio-1994-exec-14] [com.launchdarkly.client.LDClient] evaluate Unknown feature flag confluence.confluence.amq.synchronous; returning default value: 
      2016-10-20 16:59:21.788018500  -- url: /wiki/display/JSD/Testing+things | page: 2883590 | traceId: 6c6fe33767434fd0 | userName: sysadmin | referer: https://jacksparrow.atlassian.net/wiki/display/JSD/Testing+things | action: viewpage
      2016-10-20 16:59:21.788060500 2016-10-20 16:59:21,786 INFO [http-bio-1994-exec-14] [confluence.impl.featureflag.DefaultFeatureFlagServiceClient] lambda$getBooleanValue$3 FFS Key: confluence.amq.synchronous Value: false Duration: 4697583


      Creating just a few issues at the same time (tested with 4) usually works.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              aborzzatto Andre Borzzatto
              38 Vote for this issue
              40 Start watching this issue
