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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-52492

Site Homepage setting not respected when new space navigation is turned on



      The "Site Homepage" setting under Further Configuration in Administration is used to set which page should load when clicking on the Confluence site logo in the header. When the new space navigation is turned on, on initial load of Confluence the user is taken to the Site Homepage, but subsequent clicks will return the user to the dashboard instead.

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Set Confluence's Site Homepage in Further Configuration to a specific space instead of the dashboard
      2. Click the site logo in the header, note that you're taken to the specified space's homepage.
      3. Turn on the new space navigation, click the site logo again.

      Expected results

      You're taken to the space/page specified in Further Configuration.

      Actual results

      You're taken to the dashboard.

              bmccoy bmccoy
              nmason Nick Mason
              4 Vote for this issue
              10 Start watching this issue
