The way I'd ideally like to see this implemented is a page in Global Administration that allows users to specify both the text that should be replaced, and what it should be replaced with. It'd be nice for there to be some advanced capabilities as well, e.g.:
- Support for regex expressions in the 'to-replace' field
- A choice of content types for the 'replace-with' field, e.g. image / markup / HTML
I'd think (although I may be wrong) that this would not involve too much additional work to implement - at the core it's pretty much the same thing... e.g. providing a user interface to whichever bit of Confluence parses wiki notation and checks for strings to replace. The only real difference is that the string/replacement combinations would not be limited to text/image combinations.
I think that compared to the extra work involved, the benefits would be substantial... it would have a huge range of uses including:
- Capture product names and replace them with images; or replace them with text that is formatted consistently, correctly capitalised, has required TM & (c) symbols, etc.
- Making sure important or obscure acroynms are expanded to their full terms
- Automatically converting certain phrases to article links for a huge boost to content navigation & organisation
- Many more!
A couple of general thoughts:
- The page could be used to upload new images directly to the same folder that the other icons are stored in
- The default emoticon set could just be entries in the list, allowing users to remove them or change their syntax
- A 'would-be-nice' feature would be to optionally restrict individual items to certain spaces - e.g. poor old Andy could sleep peacefully at night safe in the knowledge that his MAC addresses won't be grinning stupidly at his users, while they could still be used in personal spaces/etc.
- The notation guide would need to be updated
It would be nice if this at least supported the standard mac and windows emojis. While I can select them, some randomly do not appear correctly in the sidebar. Correctly shown, the emoji appears to the left of the title as a replacement of the general shortcut icon. However, many emojis will appear as part of the title and the shortcut icon is still on the left. Arrows are the most basic need and not one is supported properly.