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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-32571

Page Properties Report does not sort across all available pages


    • 6
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Cloud. Using Confluence Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      If the list of Page Properties Report macro spans across multiple pages, then sorting by a column only sorts the data of the visible page only. It does not sort all data across all pages.

      Below are the example of what is happening currently:

      • Scenario 1: This shows the 1st tab ordered by (asc) the 'Request For' column. Screenshot Tab 1 - Order 1.jpg
      • Scenario 2: This shows the 1st tab ordered by (desc) the 'Request For' column. Screenshot Tab 1 - Order 2.jpg
      • Scenario 3: This shows the 5th tab ordered by (asc) the 'Request For' column. Screenshot Tab 5 - Order 1.jpg
      • Scenario 4: This shows the 5th tab ordered by (desc) the 'Request For' column. Screenshot Tab 5 - Order 2.jpg

      The screenshots that describe the issue are attached.

      It is desirable that the sorting should be applied across all pages of the report.

      Please investigate the reason why the sorting of page properties report macro does not sort across all pages. Is there some way to make an improvement with the sorting?

      Thank you and regards,

        1. Tab 5 - Order 2.jpg
          Tab 5 - Order 2.jpg
          718 kB
        2. Tab 5 - Order 1.jpg
          Tab 5 - Order 1.jpg
          717 kB
        3. Tab 1 - Order 2.jpg
          Tab 1 - Order 2.jpg
          731 kB
        4. Tab 1 - Order 1.jpg
          Tab 1 - Order 1.jpg
          730 kB

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            mrizki MuhammadA
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