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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-29144

Directly being linked to an attachment before logging in will redirect to a 'action not permitted' message


      NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Cloud. Using Confluence Server? See the corresponding bug report.

      If a user receives a direct link to a file on Confluence, they used to be asked to log in, and were then redirected to the file.

      However, since 5.1-OD-5, the redirect instead sends the user to a 'This action is not permitted' page after being logged in.

      The login screen will direct to login.action?os_destination=%2Fnotpermitted.action%3Fversion%3D1%26modificationDate%3D1366730801169%26api%3Dv2, instead of login?dest-url=%2Fwiki%2Fdownload%2Fattachments%2F622598%2Ffilename%3Fapi%3Dv2

      This prevents users from opening files easily from their email notifications.

      Steps to reproduce
      In a default Confluence instance.

      • Create a new Space and File list
      • Upload a file
      • Once uploaded, copy the link URL to the file.
      • Log out
      • Paste the link in your browser
        • You will be asked to log in
      • Log in, and you will see 'Action not permitted'

      Able to replicate with 'user logged in initially' in Confluence version 5.3.4.

            gvotruong Giang Vo
            imaduro Ivan Maduro (Inactive)
            47 Vote for this issue
            67 Start watching this issue
