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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-2767

Refactoring: promote comment to page


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Cloud. Using Confluence Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      From the forums: http://forums.atlassian.com/thread.jspa?forumID=96&threadID=6876

      "We have started a page which became a general repository for comments, using the [duh] Comment feature. But now things have gotten a bit out of hand, and we would like to go back and create a decent page hierarchy, by moving each set of original posts, along with their attendant comments, to a new page."

      One useful refactoring would be to promote a comment so that it becomes its own page - and any comments under that in the thread become comments on the new page.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            cmiller@atlassian.com Charles Miller
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