test case: src/it/groovy
- test gmaven with clover2:setup
invoker.goals = clean verify verifier:verify -Pwith-clover-setup
works OK; required a fixed for SourceUnit.getName()
- test gmaven with clover2:instr
invoker.goals = clean verify verifier:verify -Pwith-clover-instr
DOES NOT WORK. Reason: GMaven adds both /target/generated-sources/groovy-stubs and /target/clover/generated-sources/groovy-stubs to the list of source roots; maven fails with:
so it's not Clover's fault.
problem documented on https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CLOVER/Compiling+Groovy+with+GMaven+plugin
test case: src/it/groovy
invoker.goals = clean verify verifier:verify -Pwith-clover-setup
invoker.goals = clean verify verifier:verify -Pwith-clover-instr
so it's not Clover's fault.
problem documented on https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CLOVER/Compiling+Groovy+with+GMaven+plugin